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hej då, my fair lady

we'll meet again someday.

relink me here.


4:46 PM

don't be afraid.
to let the whole world know that you've changed.
for those who doesn't change.
doesn't learn.


6:16 PM

today is a long day mannn.
chilled out at vivo with pau, cassy and jinjin.
too bad randel baby didn't come.
maybe he's too shy to see me.
went over to ECP with jinjin for angela's 21st.
eat eat eat talk talk talk.
everyone's sharing their happy days in tekong.
laugh until i grow some abs muscles.

catch up abit with those familiar faces too. [:
especially mei you mao laopa.
then it rained heavily. -.-
so everyone just cramped into the chalet.
hahaha anyway.
hope you had funnn! [:

and yeah.
i nearly died on the way home.
was overdosed with honeydew sago.
feel like vomiting and stuff.


Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
cb sia
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
when i return home
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
i felt feverish
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
take temperature 36.8
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
hope tmr
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
dont rocket above 37.5
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
else need to go doc to test for h1n1 already
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
if positive
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
u guys
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
huai ren says:
huai ren says:
i think it's the rain luhh
huai ren says:
i also feel sick
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
LOL gg
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
all die
huai ren says:
or maybe i'm just too hot
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
fk u
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
huai ren says:
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:

Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
today i see the fossil watch
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
is it this one?
huai ren says:
huai ren says:
i think so
huai ren says:
you ask cassy?
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
i think she sleep like pig liao
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
huai ren says:
huai ren says:
but if you're buying for me
huai ren says:
then i think this one not bad
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
u wait hor
Jin - Slow down those moments. says:
wait long long
huai ren says:
huai ren says:

seems like.
jinjin don't love me anymore.
okay i better cut down on these gay antics.
before the tekong sergeants fall for me when i enlist.

Labels: ,

1:36 AM


  1. caught megan fox transformers two and i like BUMBLEBEE.

  2. dealing with kids is the best way to train your patience.

  3. went for pick-up.

  4. searching for event jobs, anyone? i'll keep a lookout for you.

  5. i think that all jobs are boring, it's you who're gonna make it fun.


10:22 PM

first day of work.
and guess what.
my intestines nearly came out.

we were inside this activity room.. talking about chinese zodiac with this 9 year old little boy.. we told him we are snakes.. and he said he is a rabbit.. so we told him that rabbits are no match for snakes.. and then..

glenn: i saw a very big snake before!

me: where you saw it?

glenn: in this room!

glenn: it crawled from there to there!

glenn: i even sat on it!

me: in this room?!

me: woah.. woah oman! so cool!

me: i, i sat on a dragon before too!

*a moment of silence*

glenn: funny, very funny.

jing en: HAHAHAHAHA.

me: ...

kids are hard to please.


i miss going school.
i miss my daily dose of class jokes.
i miss foodcourt 1.
i miss my favourite hangout after school.
i miss those late night suppers.
i miss those overnight mugging/camping/mahjong-ing in school.
and all the other crazy things we always do.


11:11 PM